Cryer elevator is used where the tip can contact a relatively wide, exposed area on the tooth3 and from where a practically useful rotational force can be generated. Apexo Elevators: These are used to remove fractures root pieces from the alveolar bone or impacted third molars and also Impacted Canines. Warwick-James Elevator Set consists of fine dental elevator head, used to luxate the tooth from the socket and loosen soft tissue attachment to aid extraction. Used as a lever during the extraction of a tooth or retained roots. Winter Cross Bar Elevator pushed in between the gums and the tooth exterior and used to loosen the tissue surrounding the tooth. A straight elevator is used to luxate a carious root tip, with the elevator tip positioned at the root tip superior perimeter. Coupland’s elevators (also known as chisels) are instruments commonly used for dental extraction. They are used in sets of three each of increasing size and are used to split multi-rooted teeth and are inserted between the bone and tooth roots and rotated to elevate them out of the sockets.
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