Once the return is received and inspected, our team will contact the customer to notify you that we have received the returned item. We will also notify customers about the approval or rejection of the refund.
Note: Refund will only be done in case the customer has received Damaged/Defective/Wrong Product, Refund will be processed through same mode within 10 working days, Product can be re-dispatched within 24 hours once the reverse product gets delivered back to us
Time Span of Refund: The process of a refund generally takes 7-10 working days.
Mode of Refund:
Paid Through Debit / Credit Card or Net Banking – Customer will receive a full refund to credit or debit card or net banking for the purchase price of the item after approval of damaged/ defective /wrong product, the refund will be reflected to the account/card/wallet in 7 working days.
Paid through UPI – The Refund will be made through UPI/NEFT directly to the customer’s bank account. For that customer need to provide their bank details which include the following information:
Name of Account Holder
Bank Name
Bank Account Number
Contact Number
If you haven’t received a refund within 7-10 working days after confirmation call from our end, please inform at our Customer Care Number at +91-9059065165 or forgesyonline.pvt.ltd@gmail.com